in good company northern rivers logo
If you are a business already operating in the region you know you are in good company and if you are not already here or doing business with us – we invite you to get to know our businesses, meet our business people and find yourself – in good company.

People talk about ‘fabric of society’, in the Northern Rivers this fabric is interwoven with business people who have an innovative and entrepreneurial drive, a heart and soul for their community and a mindfulness and respect for sustainability, the traditional custodians and shared values to continue to enrich the land together.

As you delve into the northern rivers business stories you will come to understand more and more what we mean. We believe that sharing these stories and showcasing our region will bring us even closer and new relationships will develop and opportunities will arise to do more business together.

Featured Story

spirit of the rainforest

Cape Byron Distillery

Business Stories


Intro text to business stories. We’ve spoken to 40 awesome Northern Rivers businesses to find out how the succeeded in business in the region and the advantages they found from being based here. These stories have been published together in a printed book to coincide with the Commonwealth games 2018, and are archived here on the website.

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1600 1067 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

when opportunity knocks…

Horizon Motorhomes
When a campervan arrived on Clayton Kearney’s used car yard in 1995, and sold in seconds flat, he realised there was a gap in the market…

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2016 1512 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

A planet of business diversity

Tropical Fruit World
It’s been almost 50 years since Robert and Valorie Brinsmead bought the 200-acre farm in Murwillumbah.

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1232 816 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

sewing love for a lifetime

Patches of Kyogle
Jeannine Smith grew up under her mother’s sewing machine in Western Samoa. “My mother was a professional dressmaker,” says Jeannine…

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2560 1707 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

The dream team

Joel Jensen Constructions
Despite the pressures of running an award-winning construction company, there’s one thing Joel Jensen strives to do every day.

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2500 1667 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

In Ventura we trust

Ventura Brewing
Ventura is a symbol of luck, chance and good fortune – and while Ventura Brewing’s two founders have had a good dose of all three – it’s mostly been a lot of hard work and focus to launch this craft kombucha brewery amid a global pandemic.

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herb blanchard haulage
1024 682 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

in for the long haul

Herb Blanchard Haulage
If you happen to be in the ‘jacaranda city’ of Grafton or its surrounds and you see a big blue truck out on the roads, the chances are its part of the…

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We’re helping business’s develop their social media skills

Take the Pledge


We’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledgeWe’re asking Northern Rivers businesses to take a pledge. Pledge today, pledge pledge pledge

Business Stories


Intro text to business stories. We’ve spoken to 40 awesome Northern Rivers businesses to find out how the succeeded in business in the region and the advantages they found from being based here. These stories have been published together in a printed book to coincide with the Commonwealth games 2018, and are archived here on the website.

1920 2560 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

Brothers spirit and legacy lives on

J. Notaras & Sons
J. Notaras & Sons owes its existence, strong identity and ongoing success to the dreams of two brothers of Greek ancestry.

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1620 1080 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

From trauma to business transformation

Our Cow
For Casino-based meat providers Our Cow, the last three years have seen remarkable, game-changing growth.

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2048 2560 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

biggy pop sings support for matilda

Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital
In 2020, Iggy Pop received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Grammys; in the same year his pet cockatoo, named Biggy Pop, became the founding patron of Byron Wildlife Hospital…

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2560 1709 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

Adapting is second nature for first in class

Lazuli and Co.
The hairdresser and business owner, after all, has had a lot to adapt to – her salon is in central Lismore and was destroyed by the February 2022 floods, which also completely engulfed her nearby home. Before that were the ravages wrought by the pandemic.

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Looking to relocate your business to Northern Rivers? Contact us to learn how we can help?

The Project

This is collaborative partnership project aimed at supporting business recovery and sustainability in response to the March 2017 weather event
The first step to recovery is rebuilding confidence.
The ‘in good company’ project is an initiative developed to bring back confidence to the businesses in the region by reminding them they are in good company – and that together we can recover, thrive and prosper.
The ‘in good company’ project is has two parts (in the initial project implementation) – an external multifaceted marketing campaign and an internal marketing support program. In combination, this approach will ensure the Region and our businesses have the best chance of a sustainable recovery and will ensure value for money for the marketing efforts undertaken.
Showcasing the strengths, resiliency and vibrancy of the Northern Rivers region’s businesses, towns and villages, people and natural assets through the telling of personal business stories, connected to the lifestyle, people, access and landscape of the region ‘in good company’ will highlight and showcase the full picture of the Northern Rivers for visitors and local/regional stakeholders alike.
For more information about the project call Jane Laverty, Regional Manager, NSW Business Chamber on 0419 260 220