The Northern Rivers is an amazing place to be in business, with a calibre of entrepreneurial spirit and sustainable business acumen that is unrivalled.

The ‘in good company’ Northern Rivers project has been developed as a project and campaign driver for keeping business in the region and attracting business to the region. We invite you to be part of the project as we celebrate, connect and collaborate to enhance business opportunities and facilitate economic development.

Our region is home to a diverse range of business and industry leaders and as you explore their business stories you will see a common thread and tribute to establishing or operating in the Northern Rivers. Whether it is in a coastal village, hinterland hamlet, a CBD or industrial estate Northern Rivers businesses are the mainstay of the economy and integral to employment growth and sustainable community endeavours.

In a region of close to 300,000 people within an enviable landscape of 20,000 plus kilometres, the Northern Rivers has a GRP of $13.305 billion (2.3% of the state) and significant opportunities for continued industry sector growth and development. Our project partners are facilitators in the area of economic development and have collaborated to leverage the dynamic strength of the entire Northern Rivers business offering.

Sharing business stories, connecting businesses to each other and creating collaborative opportunities are important to developing a thriving economy and positioning our region for future investment and reinvestment. We would love for you to be part of our first campaign, Bigger Backyard, and take the pledge today.

Business Stories


Discover the people behind the businesses in Northern Rivers and follow their journey to establish and grow their enterprises. Celebrate their achievements and share with your networks – as we work together to shine a light on our own backyard.

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From trauma to business transformation

Our Cow
For Casino-based meat providers Our Cow, the last three years have seen remarkable, game-changing growth.

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an epic adventure into healing honey

Gather By
Gather By is a closed-loop regenerative agribusiness that works with beekeepers and landholders in NSW and Queensland, and investors around Australia to produce and market rare, pure and potent Australian Manuka honey…

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1440 1080 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

Generational innovation

Australian Bay Lobster Producers
Thenus australiensis. Moreton Bay bugs. The Bay Lobster. Whatever nomenclature you want to use, there is no doubt that these crustaceans are a much-loved staple of Australian seafood menus.

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Aurora Suspended Fires_Ballina in good company image 4
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all fired up for global attention

Aurora Suspended Fires
Aurora Suspended Fires arose from the perfect marriage of Chloe Allan’s creative talents with Neil’s engineering background. But building a successful…

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A hive of success and support

Wild Honey Creative
Wild Honey Creative is living proof that special skills and services we might once have associated with our cities – such as graphic and digital design, innovation in marketing and brand storytelling – are thriving in regional areas.

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riding the wave of success

The Glass Lab
Adam Wessel may have worked in surfboard factories since the age of 16, but it was a stint in the luxury yachting industry that sowed the…

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Be part of a region of business leaders who are increasing their ‘in region’ vs ‘out of region’ spending. When every dollar retained in the Norther Rivers has a multiplier effect on the local economy and impacts on business growth and sustainability – it’s a small step towards making difference. Take the pledge today.

Business Stories


Intro text to business stories. We’ve spoken to 40 awesome Northern Rivers businesses to find out how the succeeded in business in the region and the advantages they found from being based here. These stories have been published together in a printed book to coincide with the Commonwealth games 2018, and are archived here on the website.

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Heart and Soul of a region

Norco Co-operative
Norco has an impressive origin story.

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1440 1080 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

Generational innovation

Australian Bay Lobster Producers
Thenus australiensis. Moreton Bay bugs. The Bay Lobster. Whatever nomenclature you want to use, there is no doubt that these crustaceans are a much-loved staple of Australian seafood menus.

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Southern Cross University Lismore
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partners with industry, partners with community

Southern Cross University
Celebrating a silver anniversary is a significant milestone, 25 years of developing your relationship, exploring and accepting your strengths…

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herb blanchard haulage
1024 682 In Good Company | Northern Rivers

in for the long haul

Herb Blanchard Haulage
If you happen to be in the ‘jacaranda city’ of Grafton or its surrounds and you see a big blue truck out on the roads, the chances are its part of the…

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