Simon Sinek is a British-American author and organisational consultant, and he reckons that “People don’t buy what you do – they buy why you do it!” We think he’s pretty...
Simon Sinek is a British-American author and organisational consultant, and he reckons that “People don’t buy what you do – they buy why you do it!” We think he’s pretty...
Social enterprise businesses still make money, but their profits benefit people or causes in need. Consider TOMS Shoes (toms.com) – TOMS Shoes is a shoe company, but for every pair...
Have you ever heard of an elevator pitch? It’s the term people use when they’re talking about communicating their idea to someone in a short amount of time – about...
A business model is a plan that illustrates how your business will operate – it will cover things like your customers, your revenue streams, your key partners, and how you’ll...
What is an entrepreneur? There are many types of entrepreneurs – some work in tech, others work in environment, and others work on making the world a better place...
Personas Imagine you have your product or service ready to go, but you discover that no one wants to pay for it. Crazy, you say? Unfortunately, this happens to lots of people. One...
The Lean Startup Methodology, developed by entrepreneur Eric Ries, a pattern of learning where you rapidly develop a product or service, measure its success, and learn for the next round...