The Northern Rivers is a region filled with an unrivaled and unique business spirit that is hard to describe in a few words and give it justice.
What we can say is, if you are a business already operating in the region you know you are in good company and if you are not already here or doing business with us – we invite you to get to know our businesses, meet our business people and find yourself – in good company.
People talk about ‘fabric of society’, in the Northern Rivers this fabric is interwoven with business people who have an innovative and entrepreneurial drive, a heart and soul for their community and a mindfulness and respect for sustainability, the traditional custodians and shared values to continue to enrich the land together.
As you delve into the northern rivers business stories you will come to understand more and more what we mean. We believe that sharing these stories and showcasing our region will bring us even closer and new relationships will develop and opportunities will arise to do more business together.
Over the coming weeks stories will be added here along with interesting business takeaways and tips via our social media platforms. Please sign up, via the form below to stay up to date with this exciting project, launching in Autumn 2018.